Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy birthday to me...

Thank you friends for The wonderful fellowship last night! I love celebrating my birthday early because then I get to celebrate even longer!!!

My only regret is not having a larger space to invite more people!!! Lol

Thank you Kelly for spearheading the whole "dessert" party experience... It was delish!!!!

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Tea time!

Thank you Collins family (minus Jeff) for joining us for swimming and "high tea". We had a lovely time...

Such a girly thing to do...

But even the boys were good sports and enjoyed the food... Thanks guys!

The girls used Evie's easy bake oven and made the tiniest, cutest little cupcakes...

Big brother even tried one, I think it got lost between his molars.,.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Isaac's 10th Birthday!

YouTube Video

After being rained out of his original birthday celebration by Tropical Storm Debby, Isaac was blessed with a beautiful day full of fun and friends. Several of our dear homeschool families were able to join us for a birthday "campout" right in our own back yard. Our only regret? Not having enough room to invite even more friends! :D

We sang happy birthday with all kinds of harmony...

Mommy baked the cake (Chilean mango), daddy decorated it!

We ate yummy food (girls rule! At least the trampoline...)

Boys in the tent (this IS a campout remember...)

The kids played an exciting game of camping scavenger hunt... GO GIRLS GO!

Here comes the winning team!!!!

Yey boys!!!!!

Isaac opened gifts...

We roasted marshmallows...

And sang songs...

YouTube Video

Thank you Boyles for this very moving, deeply spiritual song...

The Collins' leading us in the 39th verse of "You can't get to heaven..."
And next time, Mr. Mendez will bring more jokes... In English this time :D LOL

Location:At home

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Homeschool Convention Vacation 2012 Part V!

Because of the kids hard work and excellent sales during convention, we got to extend our vacation and stay for a night at the Gaylord Palms Resort.

More fun in the sun!!!!

Even Mommy got in on it!

The Gaylord Palms Resort is spectacular! The resort is built around an enormous atrium with paths that meander around ponds full of fish...



and even the Castillo de San Marcos!

It is quite an experience!

We are so thankful to God for this blessing!

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Homeschool Convention Vacation 2012 Part IV!

Part of the excitement of the homeschool convention this year was that the kid's business,, was chosen to be featured in the BEST program (Budding Entrepreneur Showcase of Talent).

They were one of several kid-run businesses showcased

The kids had lots of fun selling their survival paracord bracelets and worked very hard...

We are so very proud!!!!

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Homeschool Convention Vacation 2012 Part III!

Another lovely tradition we started last year was finding a fun tea house for the girls to enjoy... And so we did! Welcome to Diane's Creations Tea Room Crafts and Antiques!

It was just wonderful!

We got to dress up...

Drink delicious teas and eat scrumptious quiche and scones...

It was a sweet day full of new memories, shopping, and laughter...

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Homeschool Convention Vacation 2012 Part II

Other activities we got to do were...

Riding on a giant swan...

Taking warm bubble baths...

Alligator wrangling...
And so much more!

To be continued...

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Location:Orlando, FL